124143 French Improvement Level I (B1)

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 06.03.2023 Place course on memo list
French Improvement Level I (B1)
UE 4
each semester

Prerequisites: A2+
Goal: B1

At this level the learner can understand the main ideas of clear standard input on familiar matters like work, school, leisure; he/she can tackle most situations which could arise whilst travelling in the country where the language is spoken; he/she can express themselves in simple and coherent sentences on familiar topics and areas of interest and can talk about experiences and events; can describe dreams, hopes and goals; can give reasons/explanations for their plans and views.

money and consumerism, eating habits; relationships; voluntary work; media and responsibility; travelling and tourism, lifestyle

Linguistic Goals:
to describe actions; to agree/disagree; to interrupt someone/being interrupted; to show disinterest; to express feelings; to compare something; to express joy/relief; to describe causes/circumstances/events; to argue for/against something; to justify something

Structural Goals:
gérondif – to express a necessity/recommandation/possibility/judgement; comparative – to compare quantities; subjonctif présent – to express personal perception; passive voice; reported speech (present) – to reproduce what other people have already said; plus-que-parfait – to describe actions that have already happened before

interactive language instruction
written and oral midterm test (testing of writing, listening and reading comprehension) and final test (testing of writing, listening and reading comprehension and speaking/dialogues)
On y va, Bd. 3, Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch, lessons 5–9 (Hueber Verlag)
Inscription see isi homepage
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2014-03-04
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-03-06
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-03-11
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-03-13
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-03-18
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-03-20
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-03-25
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-03-27
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-04-01
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-04-03
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-04-08
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-04-10
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-04-29
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2014-05-06
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-05-08
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-05-13
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-05-15
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-05-20
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-05-22
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-05-27
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2014-06-03
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-06-05
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-06-10
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-06-12
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1
Tue 2014-06-17
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2014-06-24
18.45 - 20.15 4U102a 4U102a Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2014-06-26
18.45 - 20.15 Container 1 Container 1