146601 A Survey of German Literature

Sommersemester 2014 | Stand: 20.02.2014 LV auf Merkliste setzen
A Survey of German Literature
PS 3
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This course will be conducted in Innsbruck, Austria, as part of the University of New Orleans’ Academic Year abroad (AYA) program. This course will concentrate on German literature of the 19th and 20th centuries, in keeping with the official UNO catalog description. However, in order to encourage a better understanding of the literature produced in the last two centuries, and to provide a general survey of German literature in a truer sense, students will be introduced to the history of German language and literature from its beginnings. The course will aim for a general understanding of linguistic and literary periods, the different literary genre, and concepts such as themes and motifs. A varied selection of works and authors connected with different periods up to about 1970 will be read and/or discussed. Since this course is being conducted in Innsbruck, Austria, Austrian poets and writers will be included. Conducted in whole or in part in German, the class sessions will also provide students the opportunity for grammar review and practice in spoken German. Required readings each week are to be prepared in advance for class discussion. The required reading material will be used to enhance the linguistic elements of our work, as well as to encourage an overall appreciation for the historical, geographic and cultural aspects of studying a language and its literature.
All required reading provided. Readings in German, discussions in a mix of German and English, depending upon student abilities
Your final grade will be determined according to the combined scores of preparation, class participation and final exam in roughly equal percentages.
Anonymous: «Du bist mîn…» Walter von der Volgelweide: „Unter der Linde...“ Immanuel Kant: „Was ist Aufklärung?“ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werther (excerpts) Faust I (excerpts) Selected poems Novalis: Heinrich von Ofterdingen (first chapter) Joseph von Eichendorff: Selected poems Clemens Brentano: Selected poems J. and W. Grimm: From the collection of Kinder- und Hausmärchen Heinrich von Kleist: „Das Erdbeben in Chile“ Heinrich Heine: Selected poems Adelbert Stifter: „Bergkristall“ Theodor Storm; „Rote Rosen“ Arthur Schnitzler: „America“, „Der blinde Geronimo und sein Bruder“ Hugo von Hofmannsthal: „Reitergeschichte,“ „Die Beiden“ Rainer Maria Rilke: Selected poems Franz Kafka: „Vor dem Gesetz“ Gottfried Benn: „D-Zug“ Thomas Mann: „Mario und der Zauberer“ Wolfgang Borchert: „Das Brot,“ „Nachts schlafen die Ratten doch“ Paul Celan: “todesfuge” Hans Bender: “Forgive me!” Bertolt Brecht: Selected poems, “ „Die unwürdige Greisin“ Christa Wolff: „Da geh’ ich nicht mehr hin!“ Walter Bauer: „Tränen eines Mannes“ Selected poems from the 1960’s, time permitting (Horst Bienek, Hilde Domin, Wolf Biermann, Volker Thürmer)

Students who miss this first session (05.03.2013) are welcome to join the course by contact on or before 14.03.2013. This course is open to University of Innsbruck students. Personal contact required: Dr. Margaret Davidson: margaret.davidson@uibk.ac.at
1st Info Meeting: 05.03.2014 11.00 - 12.00, Geiwi-Turm, SR 40437

weekly Di 10.00 - 12.30, Geiwi-Turm, SR 40437