146673 HUMS 2090 - Europe through Literature and Cinema

Sommersemester 2014 | Stand: 24.02.2014 LV auf Merkliste setzen
HUMS 2090 - Europe through Literature and Cinema
SE 3
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An examination of selected topics in the Humanities drawn from contemporary issues in fields including but not limited to the arts, culture, economics, and politics as they relate to the human condition. Lectures and/or discussions featuring local experts in the area of study. May be repeated for credit (total of 6 credit hours)

Since the publication of Benedict Anderson’s classic Imagined Communities in the early 1980ies a broad range of scholars have made clear that not only economic and architectural aspects, but also literature and film have a huge impact on our ideas, images and dreams of landscapes. This diagnosis, which was made in the context of reflections on the imagination of the nation in the 19th century, will be the point of departure of the course “Europe through the Eyes of Cinema and Literature”. It will deal with cultural constructions of Europe throughout the history of literature and cinema in the 20th and 21st century. – The sessions will focus on concrete regions and cities, especially in Austria, Germany, France and Italy, by looking at cultural representations of literature and cinema. We will analyze a selection of popular literary and cinematic genres and tendencies such as Austrian and German silent cinema (Luis Trenker, Robert Wiene), Mediterranean thrillers (Jean-Claude Izzo, Veit Heinichen) or contemporary migrant cinema & literature (Gianni Amelio, Said). By analyzing these representations and reading theoretical reflections on the construction of cultural landscapes, the course will offer a diversified understanding of the heterogeneity of European cultures and its clichés.

The University of New Orleans International Summer School program has a mandatory class attendance policy. All students are required to attend class for all morning classes and any required afternoon and/or weekend fields trips and lectures. No unexcused absences are allowed. However, LFU students who have to miss a UNO class due to LFU examinations in the first two weeks of our program, can receive one excused absence for this. Any further unexcused absences will result in an academic penalty. Each faculty member determines the penalty for missed classes. Most professors deduct a letter grade for each additional missed class day. For details, please refer to your course syllabi, which will be distributed on the first day of class. Mail: Center-New-Orleans@uibk.ac.at

Die Anrechnung der Kurse der UNO-IBK International Summer School muss von den Studierenden selbst vorab mit den zuständigen StudiendekanInnen geklärt werden. Diese allein entscheiden über die Anerkennung der belegten Kurse für das jeweilige Studienfach. Es wird empfohlen, sich einen Vorabbescheid über die Anerkennung der Kurse ausstellen zu lassen.

02.07.-08.08.2014, 08:00 - 09:25 Uhr, 50109/3