611041 Introduction to Media Analysis

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 28.02.2014 Place course on memo list
Introduction to Media Analysis
VU 1
every 2 weeks
each semester

The course deepens the skills acquired in the VO Einführung in die Medienwissenschaft: critical perception and analyses of media

The course will analyze the current European 'crisis' as a medial phenomenon with a strong focus on the south of the continent: youth unemployment within younger generation have provoked multiple forms of protests, e.g. demonstations, new kinds of political and medial movements. In our lectures we will analyze new and old processes of solidarisation and desolidarisation on the basis of a reader with theoretical texts on the subject.

- lectures, group work, homework assignments

- presence in the course (max. 1 absence of 90min = 2 'units')

- woark load: 1 presentation, 1 reading log, 1 essay

- https://e-campus.uibk.ac.at/

- Uta Fenske/Walburga Hülk-Althoff/Gregor Schuhen Ed, Die Krise als Erzählung. Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf ein Narrativ der Moderne. Bielefeld, transcript 2013.

- Karin Harrasser/Marie-Noelle Yazdanpanah/Daniel Winkler Ed, Strategien des Entziehens. Wien, Löcker 2009.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2014-03-12
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-03-26
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-04-09
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-05-07
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-05-21
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-04
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-18
13.45 - 15.15 50109/3 SR 50109/3 SR Barrier-free