611155 Project Seminar in Cultural Studies A

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 17.06.2014 Place course on memo list
Project Seminar in Cultural Studies A
PO 2

Knowledge and skills in empirical linguistic research

In this project seminar students (Französisch LA, Diplom, BA) can learn how an empirical, qualitative language acquisition study is planned and carried out. They experience the practice of working with research subjects, how issues of data protection and other questions of research ethics are approached and how research projects can be financed.

The seminar participants will get insights into an ongoing research project which investigates the development of interaction competence of multilingual learners of French in a longitudinal study. They will discover different theoretical approaches and methods to research language acquisition phenomena, in particular ethnomethodological conversation analysis (CA) and the theory of complex dynamic systems.

The students will acquire technical skills in dealing with devices and software used to collect and process video and audio data. They will also learn to create recording inventaries of video data and to use transcription editors to achieve detailed transcripts.

Finally, the participants will have the opportunity to take part in CA data sessions, which will allow them to experience CA's practice of analysis first hand.

Lectures and group work to build up basic knowledge; discussion and analysis. Individual work. In large parts practical application of skills/knowledge for recording, processing and transcribing.

Active participation in class and in fieldwork; production of recording inventories and one complete transcript sequence

Please get hold of the following book before the course (some copies will be ordered for the STUDIA bookshop in Bruno-Sander-Haus)

Gülich, Elisabeth / Mondada, Lorenza (2008): Konversationsanalyse. Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Französischen. Tübingen: Niemeyer

ATTENTION: Lessons are partly blocked (3-hour-blocks on some Friday afternoons)

In addition, and subject to agreement of the participants, their presence may be required during occasional data collection at school (times vary). This will be discussed in more detail in the first class.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2014-03-07
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-03-14
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-03-28
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-04-04
12.00 - 15.15 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Thu 2014-04-10
09.00 - 16.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-04-11
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Thu 2014-05-08
09.00 - 12.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-05-09
12.00 - 13.30 40620 SR 40620 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-05-09
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Thu 2014-05-15
09.00 - 12.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-05-16
12.00 - 15.15 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Thu 2014-05-22
09.00 - 12.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-05-23
12.00 - 15.15 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-06
09.00 - 12.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-06
12.00 - 15.15 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Thu 2014-06-12
09.00 - 12.00 Studio A Studio A Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-13
12.00 - 15.15 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-13
13.00 - 15.15 40832 SR 40832 SR Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-20
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free
Tue 2014-06-24
12.00 - 13.45 HS I (Theologie) HS I (Theologie) Barrier-free
Fri 2014-06-27
12.00 - 13.30 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free