611501 Conversatorium for Master Students

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 10.01.2014 Place course on memo list
Conversatorium for Master Students
KO 2
each semester

Scientific questionning, writing and research (all three studies). Planning and writing a thesis.

1. Techniques of the scientific work and research. 2. Presentation and discussion of ongoing researches and recent approaches of romance linguistics.

"Round table" - discussion of materials on the basis of handouts

Written/oral: abstracts, project presentation, participation in discussions
At the beginning of the course

Is open to interested students, in exceptional cases also for beginners 

  Start: with the beginning of the semester

see dates
Mi., 15:30-17:00, R.40234 (Büro Braselmann, 2.Stock, Geiwi-Turm)