704908 Advanced lab course 1 (FP1)

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 28.05.2014 Place course on memo list
Advanced lab course 1 (FP1)
PR 4
Graduates of this module shall understand the experimental mode of operation of physics by the practical execution of advanced tests. You shall have acquired the ability to carry out physical experiments independently and attained a recessed appreciation of the experimentally oriented mode of operation of physics and team ability and communication competence. The protocols represent the first bachelor work.

Franck-Hertz experiment, Hall effect and conductivity, diode lasers, electron spin resonance, Gaussian beams and optical resonators, muon lifetime, detection of organic trace gases, mass spectrometry, Electro-optical effect, spectroscopy of the sun, diffusion cloud chamber. Precondition for the registration is successful completion of the compulsory modules Grundpraktikum 2 and at least one of the courses of the module Physics IV (Kerne und Teilchen).

will be discussed

Valuation of preparation, performance and report.

Script will be available on OLAT.

Semesterorganisation: Francesca Ferlaino (Francesca.Ferlaino@uibk.ac.at)
to be announced
Do, 14.00-17.00, Labors