844185 Patent Law and Copyright

summer semester 2014 | Last update: 20.10.2014 Place course on memo list
Patent Law and Copyright
VO 2

After this course, the participants will have gained basic knowledge on key issues related to intellectual property rights, basic knowledge on patent- and copyright law, as well as knowledge on processes, contacts and support related to inventions and transfer of knowledge and technology at Innsbruck University.

The basics of a patent;  patentability criteria; copyright; trademarks; software inventions; inventions at UIBK from the idea to realization; exploitation of intellectual property at Innsbruck University (collaborations, licensing, transfer, spin offs) network; case studies; the European Patent Office from the perspectives of an employee; the Technology transfer units at UIBK project.service.büro, universityholding, transidee, CAST; recherche workshop.

Lecture and research workshop

oral exam

will be announced in the first lecture.

Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2014-03-05
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-03-12
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-03-19
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-03-26
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-04-02
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-04-09
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-04-30
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-05-07
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-05-14
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-05-21
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free findet im SR Tranidee statt
Wed 2014-05-28
14.00 - 17.00 rr 20 rr 20 Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-04
14.00 - 15.30 3W03 3W03 Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-11
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-18
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free
Wed 2014-06-25
14.00 - 15.30 Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Seminarraum 3 (ICT-Gebäude) Barrier-free