627709 Methodology of Usul al Fiqh

winter semester 2014/2015 | Last update: 12.02.2015 Place course on memo list
Methodology of Usul al Fiqh
SE 2

Knowledge and handling with usul al-fiqh; knowledge of fiqh development; determination and significance of different islamic norms; identification of sense and function of the rules; adequate interpretation.

Introduction of usul al-fiqh; development; sources of usul al-fiqh; methods of islamic law; establishments; analysis of islamic law; identification of defined and after place and time changeable islamic norms; modern analysis; application in the diaspora.

Lecture, discussion, group work, project work, textanalysis, presentation of results.

Assignment or colloquium.

Rohe, Mathias: Das islamische Recht, München 2009;

Bauer, Wolfgang: Bausteine des Fiqh, Frankfurt 2013;

Lohlker, Rüdiger: Scharia und Moderne, Stuttgart 1996;

Lohlker, Rüdiger: Islamisches Recht, Wien 2012;

Izzi Dien, Mawil: Islamic law, Edinburgh 2004;

Tillschneider, Hans-Thomas: Die Entstehung der juristischen Hermeneutik (usul al-fiqh) im frühen Islam;

Türkmenoglu, Ali: Das Strafrecht des klassischen islamischen Rechts, Frankfurt 2013

Group 0
Date Time Location
Sat 2014-11-22
09.00 - 18.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Sun 2014-11-23
09.00 - 14.45 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Übungsraum Katechetik, Zi. 242 Barrier-free
Sat 2015-01-17
09.00 - 18.45 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Sun 2015-01-18
09.00 - 14.45 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free