800914 Leadership

winter semester 2014/2015 | Last update: 05.02.2024 Place course on memo list
SE 2
not applicable
• It’s the overall objective of this course, to enable young scientists to act as team leaders. This means that they are able to reflect on group situations, to practice leadership techniques and to influence their team members to engage in a high team performance. To achieve this objective it might be useful to formulate the following sub-goals. • Discussion of the means and ends to influence people’s behaviour in a leadership context. • To realize and reflect one’s own leadership experiences – be it as a leader or as a person who was led by others. • To realize the ambiguities and potential conflicts, which might be related to a leadership role in groups and organizations. • To reflect one’s own strengths and weaknesses particularly with regard to acting as a team leader.
• Who or what is leading us? Leadership as practice – the practice of leadership • Leadership as management of ambiguities • Basics of individual motivation • Selected leadership techniques • Leadership, authority and conflict • The basic rules of successful leadership in groups • Steering media in leadership processes
Lectures, plenary discussion; group exercises, individual work, study of literature.

It is expected that every student will deliver three assignments: The first one serves for course preparation and has to be sent by October 15, electronically to stephan.laske@uibk.ac.at. The second assignment has to be delivered by November 25; the third one by January 15. Students who do not send in their assignment in time will be excluded from the course. All three assignments have to be rated positive to complete the course successfully. It is further expected that students take part throughout the whole course. Students who miss more than three hours in total cannot complete successfully by definition.

literature available on request (Christina.Raab@uibk.ac.at) respectively via E-Campus
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2014-11-13
09.00 - 17.00 Container 1 Container 1
Fri 2014-11-14
09.00 - 13.00 Container 1 Container 1
Thu 2014-12-18
09.00 - 17.00 UNO Saal UNO Saal Barrier-free