223029 Pastoral Care: mental crisis and crisis intervention
summer semester 2015 | Last update: 16.12.2015 | Place course on memo listThe course tries to bring in dialogue the fields of pastoral care, psychotherapy and psychiatry. Participants should get a practical approach to the psychotherapeutic way of understanding mental processes and disorders. The participants should also get suggestions for handling the emotional stress situation of mental disorders as well as for clarifying the pastoral responsibility and the limits of responsibility.
Pastors are in contact and connected with people in various situations: in moments of hapiness and thankfulness as well as in moments of emotional stress and suffering. Centre of the course are people who have experiences with mental problems and exceptional mental stress situations. We want to come in dialogue with them and get information how it is possible to help adequately.
We try to teach topics of psychotherapeutic and psychiatric theory as experience-focussed as possible. Therefore the course doesn`t take place at the university, but in three different psychotherapeutic-psychiatric institutions in Tirol: in Pro mente Tirol, Karl-Schönherr-Str. 3, 6020 Innsbruck (www.promente-tirol.at); in Sonnpark Lans - Zentrum für psychosoziale Gesundheit, Im Winkl 247, 6072 Lans (www.promente-reha.at/sonnenpark-lans), and in den Artis-Betrieben, Schusterbergweg 86, 6020 Innsbruck (www.artis-betriebe.at)
Written examiniation
Will be announced in the seminar.
Sa, 26.09.2015, 09.00 - 13.00, Rehazentrum Sonnenpark Lans oder Artis-Betriebe, Innsbruck