408021 Applied Methods of Social Sciences
summer semester 2015 | Last update: 07.05.2018 | Place course on memo listThe course is targeting at the particular steps that have to be done in order to establish a research design. In several exercises these steps will be conducted theoretical and practically whereat both quantitative and qualitative approaches play a role. The focus here will be on operationalization and dataanalysis.
Topic of the course will be the opportunities of concept specification, sampling, datacollection and analysis for quantitative as well as qualitative approaches. These will be shown by reconstructing and conducting the different steps of empirical studies with the help of a quantitative and a qualitative research project.
Part one (24.04.2015/25.04.2015) of the course will deal with methods that are located in the quantitative paradigm. Topics will be i.a. operationalization, generating hypothesis and survey-design. Also there will be an introduction to some statistical analysis methods (SPSS).
The second part of the course (29.05.2015/30.05.2015) will deal with the qualitative paradigm. Topics will be i.a. the development of a research question and theory-driven operationalization (e.g. interview-guideline and System of categories). Also there will be shown an opportunity for doing computer-assisted analysis of qualitative data (MaxQDA or Atlas.ti).
In both parts of the course the critical discussion of the adequacy of the used and shown methods will be important.
Oral participation during the course/ group work; Description of the results from the research projects in writing.
Lehrveranstaltungsprüfung gemäß § 7
Satzungsteil, Studienrechtliche Bestimmungen
Set books part 1:
van Deth, J. (2001): Soziale und politische Beteiligung: Alternativen, Ergänzungen oder Zwillinge? In: Koch, A./Wasmer, M./Schmidt, P. (Hrsg.): Politische Partizipation in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Empirische Befunde und theoretische Erklärungen. Opladen: Leske+Budrich
Gabriel, O./Völkl, K. (2008): Politische und soziale Partizipation. In: Gabriel, O./Kropp, S. (Hrsg.): Die EU-Staaten im Vergleich. Strukturen, Prozesse, Politikinhalte. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag
Set books part 2:
Zapf, D. (2002): Emotion work and psychological well-being. A review of the literature and some conceptual considerations. Human Resource Management Review 12 (2), S.237–268
Hochschild, A. (1990): Das gekaufte Herz. Zur Kommerzialisierung der Gefühle. Frankfurt: Campus
Kuckartz,U./Rädiker, S./Ebert, T./Schehl, J. (2010): Statistik. Eine verständliche Einführung. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag
Hussy, W.; Schreier, M.; Echterhoff, G. (2013): Forschungsmethoden in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften für Bachelor. Heidelberg: Springer
Dominik Weigand is scientific assistant at the department of politics of the university of Regensburg
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Fri 2015-04-24
09.00 - 18.00 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2015-04-25
09.00 - 13.00 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2015-04-25
13.00 - 17.00 | SR 6 (Sowi) SR 6 (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Fri 2015-05-29
09.00 - 18.00 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2015-05-30
09.00 - 13.00 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2015-05-30
13.00 - 17.00 | SR 1 (Sowi) SR 1 (Sowi) | Barrier-free |