640171 Practical Course for Archaeological Training: Transcaucasia
summer semester 2015 | Last update: 14.07.2014 | Place course on memo list640171
Practical Course for Archaeological Training: Transcaucasia
UE 1
Skill to independently work and document archaeological findings.
Students can deepen and complement their skills in archaeological findings documentation.
exercises on the findings
written exam
Will be discussed in the first lesson.
online registration
to be announced
August/September 2015 (28 Tage), Transkaukasien
- Faculty of Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History)
- Master's Programme Ancient History and Ancient Oriental Studies according to the curriculum 2009 (120 ECTS-Credits, 4 semesters)
- Diploma programme: Ancient History and Classical Studies according to the curriculum 2001
- Diploma programme: Languages and Cultures of the Ancient Near East according to the curriculum of 2001