644052 Archaeological Excavation I b:
summer semester 2015 | Last update: 15.12.2014 | Place course on memo listMag. Dr. Martin Auer
Mag. Dr. Martin Auer, +43 512 507 40816
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Kistler Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Kistler, +43 512 507 40806
Mag. Mag. Dr. Birgit Öhlinger Mag. Mag. Dr. Birgit Öhlinger, +43 512 507 40819
Ass.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Michael Tschurtschenthaler Ass.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Michael Tschurtschenthaler
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Kistler Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erich Kistler, +43 512 507 40806
Mag. Mag. Dr. Birgit Öhlinger Mag. Mag. Dr. Birgit Öhlinger, +43 512 507 40819
Ass.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Michael Tschurtschenthaler Ass.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Michael Tschurtschenthaler
Archaeological Excavation I b:
LG 3
Acquirement of basic knowledge of archaeological field work and basic methods of documentation; acquirement of basic skills in teamwork
Extended basic training in practical archaeological field work including documentation of site and finds; to gain experience in dealing with different situations of excavations, “Archaeological Excavation I a” and “Archaeological Excavation I b” have to be completed at different sites
Will be discussed in the first lesson
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on „study-law regulations“
Start: 2.3.2015, 9.00 Uhr c.t. Forum/Atrium, Langer Weg
Sommer/Herbst 2015, Ort nach Wahl