720253 Special Topics in Basic Research A/B: Personality and individual differences in music psychology

summer semester 2015 | Last update: 13.04.2015 Place course on memo list
Special Topics in Basic Research A/B: Personality and individual differences in music psychology
VL 2
each semester

The aim of this seminar is to guide the students to independent, competent, and profitable reading of scientific publications on topics of music psychology, through an introduction to theoretical foundations of personality research and differential psychology. Students will learn to present their findings in relation to a research question in a logical and scientifically and linguistically appropriate manner in an oral presentation and in a term paper.

Following a review of the essential foundations of personality research and differential psychology, students learn to critically assess the following topic areas: Personality and individual differences 1) in music listening (emotional and aesthetic experience), 2) with respect to long-term and situational music preferences, 3) in the musical talent and sophistication, 4) making music and 5) the use of music. This research articles should be collected and critically evaluated.

Introductory lectures, oral presentation, term paper, active participation

Oral presentation, term paper, active participation

Will be announced in the first lesson

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2015-04-22
10.15 - 15.15 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2015-05-06
10.15 - 15.15 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2015-05-20
10.15 - 15.15 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2015-06-03
10.15 - 15.15 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free
Wed 2015-06-17
10.15 - 15.15 60408 SR 60408 SR Barrier-free