720256 Special Topics in Basic Research A/B: Ideas of man as basis for psychological performances ¿ philosophical-psychological investigations

summer semester 2015 | Last update: 05.02.2024 Place course on memo list
Special Topics in Basic Research A/B: Ideas of man as basis for psychological performances ¿ philosophical-psychological investigations
VL 2
each semester

Philosophical topics and questions (esp. regarding theory of science) which are of relevance for psychology will be gathered and reflected, particularly regarding anthropological background convictions (ideas of men) in psychological orientations and psychotherapeutic schools and their different theories of personality.

The different views of man thus worked out also are represented in various forms in the individual worldviews of people, with which psychologist are dealing in the course of their professional work.

With these foundations one may develop some understanding, if and how philosophical aspects and perspectives maybe helpful in different psychological tasks. The critical reflection of one’s own worldview will be encouraged and fostered, at the same time possibilities to grasp other people’s worldview and to deal with it in a constructive way will be enlarged and deepened.



We will deal with relevant approaches and texts from philosophy and psychology, stressing especially the connection between the formation of psychological constructs (for instance in Psychology of Personality), with different anthropological assumptions quite often remaining unquestioned.

George A. Kelly, today seen as “founding father” of Cognitive Psychology meta-theoretically related his then innovative theory of personal constructs to a connection of philosophical and psychological perspectives – and this will comparably build the basis of this seminar. He writes in his “Psychology of Personal Constructs” (1955): “As philosophy our theory is dealing with the psychological view of man. As psychology it is dealing with the philosophical views of the individual.”

Hence theoretical foundations for dealing with background convictions regarding worldview and the constitution of meaning will be gathered. They may have a constructive, salutogenetic function, yet also – according to their content – negative, pathologizing effects. Results from studies of Posttraumatic Growth suggest that here integrating cognitive processes as meaning-constituting embedment (also for instance into a spiritual context) are at work or are fostering a constructive process.



Preparatory readings, individual work, group work (during the seminar and for the preparation of presentations), short presentations, plenary discussions.

Active participation, short presentation, essay

Will be discussed in the first lesson.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Thu 2015-03-12
12.15 - 17.00 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Thu 2015-04-16
12.15 - 17.00 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Mon 2015-05-11
12.15 - 17.00 Aula Aula Barrier-free
Wed 2015-06-03
13.00 - 17.45 UNO Saal UNO Saal Barrier-free
Thu 2015-06-18
12.15 - 17.00 Mehrzweckraum Mehrzweckraum Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired