FO Research Seminar: The Second Vatican Council: Lay Apostolate and the Development of a "Theology of the Lay"
FO 2
Knowledge of a Theology of the Lay before, during and after the Council. Developing awareness for the necessity of a gender-equitable theological discourse today.
The Second Vatican Council has developed a comprehensive Theology of the Lay facilitating a theological equity of every baptised person in laity. The texts will be analysed with focus on their historical origin and their development. Could such an analysis lead to a gender-equitable theologcal discourse today?
Presentations and interpretations of texts of the Council
- Lumen gentium, Kapitel III; Apostolicam actuositatem. - Congar, Yves: Der Laie. Entwurf einer Theologie des Laientums. (Paris 1953). Stuttgart ²1964. - Cardijn, Joseph: Laien im Apostolat. Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker (1964). - Forte, Bruno: Laie sein. Beiträge ui einem ganzheitlichen Kirchenverständnis. München, Zürich, Wien 1987. - Neuner, Peter: Abschied von der Ständekirche. Plädoyer für eine Theologie des Gottesvolkes. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder 1. Aufl. (2015).