223931 FO Canon Law: marriage, same-sex partnerships and Family in canonical perspective

winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 10.06.2015 Place course on memo list
FO Canon Law: marriage, same-sex partnerships and Family in canonical perspective
FO 2
each semester

We gain an overview of the different methods of financing of Church in european countries

Since the Roman Synod of Bishops in the fall of 2014 on this issue and the previous global survey of church leaders and the faithful, and the renewed meeting of the Roman Synod of Bishops, which is planned for autumn 2015, the topic marriage, same-sex partnerships and family is not only in the media, but also reaches the internal Church interests. The research seminar deals with relevant canonical norms, the evolution of these norms and currently topical issues The view here is also directed to the norms of ohter curches and religious communities, the Church marriage courts, opinions of the policy and of social groups, etc. A joint research discussion with doctoral students from Vienna and with religious and non-university representatives is planned.


Inputs, independent work, papers, discussions

Participation and collaboration, papers

Wilhelm Rees, Kirche im neuen Europa. Religionsunterricht, Finanzierung und Ehe in kirchlichem und staatlichem Recht. Mit einem Ausblick auf zwei afrikanische Länder, Wien u.a. 2007. Hugo Schwendenwein, Österreichisches Staatskirchenrecht, essen 1992. Handbuch des Staatskirchenrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, hrsg. von Joseph Listl und Dietrich Pirson, 2 Bde., Berlin ²1994. Österreichisches Staatskirchenrecht. Gesetze, Materialien, Rechtssprechung, 2 Bde., zusammengestellt von Inge Gampl, Richard Potz und Brigitte Schinkele, Wien 1990, 1993. Lexikon für Kirchen- und Staatskirchenrecht, 3 Bde., Paderborn u.a. 2000, 2002, 2004. Herbert Kalb, Richard Potz, Brigitte Schinkele, Religionsrecht, Wien 2003. Richard Potz, Brigitte Schinkele, Religionsrecht im Überblick, Wien 2005. Axel Frhr. von Campenhausen, Heinricht de Wall, Staatskirchenrecht, 4. Aufl., München 2006. Christoph Link, Stefan Muckel, Heinrich de Wall, Kirchenrecht. Ein Studienbuch, München 2008.


additional personal registration at the Institute of Practical Theology is necessary.

Further appointments by arrangement.
