310040 Current Issues of Public International Law (seminar)
winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 05.02.2024 | Place course on memo list310040
Current Issues of Public International Law (seminar)
SE 2
each semester
Acquaintance with the current Austrian practise in international law.
Cases currently dealt with by the Austrian Foreign Ministry in the areas of treaty law, humanitarian law, international immunities, arms export law, international criminal law etc will be presented. Particular attention will be paid to the crisis in Ukraine.
Short presentation of concrete cases and discussion of the legal issues involved.
Oral participation and subsequent written exposé on a specific case.
Tichy/Schusterschitz/Bittner, Recent Austrian practice in the field of international law – Report for 2012, ZÖR 2013/1, 139.
basic knowledge of international law