433031 PS Personalführung und -entwicklung

Wintersemester 2015/2016 | Stand: 22.10.2015 LV auf Merkliste setzen
PS Personalführung und -entwicklung
PS 2
positive Beurteilung des Pflichtmoduls gemäß § 6 Abs. 2 Z 4 Grundlagen des Managements: Organisation und Personal und von weiteren vier Pflichtmodulen aus dem betriebswirtschaftlichen Kernbereich gemäß § 6 Abs. 2

In this seminar, students develop an understanding of different perspectives on studying the employment relationship and HRM concepts, gain experience in examining research papers and in producing collaboratively a paper on a research topic in the field of leading and staff development.


The seminar in a first step familiarizes students with different perspectives for studying the employment relationship and HRM concepts. In a second step, students critically examine an academic article in the topical field of the course. Finally, they write a group research paper, in which they choose a theoretical perspective, identify a manageable research question and assess relevant literature.

inputs by the lecturers, in-class exercises (e.g., case analyses, debates, simulations), short presentations by students

  • Individual reading assignment (30%)
  • Group presentation (20%)
  • Group seminar paper (50%)
  • Participation in the seminar (minimum requirement)
  • Bratton, J. & Gold, J. (2012) Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice, 5th Edition, Basingstoke: Palgrave.
  • Saunders, M., Lewis, P., &Thornhill, A. (2012) Research Methods for Business Students, 6th Edition, Essex: Pearson.

Positive completion of the mandatory course "Fundamentals of Management: organization and HRM" referred to in §6 (2-4) and four additional mandatory courses from the core area of management referred to in §6 (2)

The research papers are a foundation for students’ empirical research projects in the SBWL Personal Vertiefung.

siehe Termine
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 10.11.2015
08.00 - 11.45 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 11.11.2015
08.00 - 11.45 SR 17 (Sowi) SR 17 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Do 12.11.2015
08.00 - 11.45 SR 19 (Sowi) SR 19 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 09.12.2015
08.00 - 11.45 SR 9 (Sowi) SR 9 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 09.12.2015
13.00 - 16.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 16.12.2015
10.00 - 11.45 HS 2 (Sowi) HS 2 (Sowi) Barrierefrei Gastvortrag
Mi 16.12.2015
14.00 - 15.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrierefrei