611152 Praxisorientierte Lehrveranstaltung zu romanischen Kulturräumen

winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 27.04.2016 Place course on memo list
Praxisorientierte Lehrveranstaltung zu romanischen Kulturräumen
VU 2


We are going to : 

- Explore the fundamental parameters of acting, starting from texts of nowday authors.

- Concern the students with the originality and the particularities of contemporary writings. 

- Give the necessary tools to get used to a language, to play, to confront oneself with the theatrical tools, get personal satisfaction in the process of playing, use one’s personal imagination.

Work with our body and our voice,  thanks to exercises bringing into play  personal commitment, taking risks, individual and collective, physical involvment when dealing with the author’s words.

The contemporary language: how does it make theatre? – how do we  think the show in the present – dramaturgic analyze of the situation – when we play, we have to be conscious of a few  rules…which are they ? 

We will also start from a set of themes suggested before the workshop : Our relation to other persons and then the meaning of intimicy close friend in our perpetually shaken up societies, woman considered by man (To sweat on clean sheets), withdrawal in our everyday life (Ctrl-X), the couple today.

We will draw we the space starting from  texts and from every one’s proposals. 

We will work starting from short pieces of texts. I will propose two pieces  for each text. The groups will be done in the very first day. I will listen to personal desires to choose other extracts. A personnal choice will have to be argued. 

The authors will be Pauline Peyrade and Tarik Noui. Two authors who will come to the festival Actuelles at the TAPS ( public and contemporary theater of Strasbourg,  in March 2016.  Festival I am in charge of with Aude Koegler. I will make a follow-up of these evenings of readings to the students of Innbruck. These authors will tell us how to write for the theatre today. 

Creation of a group dynamics by analyzing the text (how is the reader, and then the actor concerned by the lines? How will his body react ? ) 

- All the proposals of the group will be integrated intothe working process. Interactive work. 

–Make links between the  text and the stage scene starting from exercises and precise instructions.

- Work will always be done starting from the training actors, from their presence and their physical présence.

- the improvisations will help the students to express themselves in  personal ways

- In all the cases, we will remain demanding in work, attentive with all the creative capacities of each one. The experimentation will be more important than the concern of any result.

In all cases, we will remain demanding in work, attentive with all the creative capacities of each one. 

The experimentation will be more important than the concern of any result.

evaluations for each participant will be doneduring the workshop , always favoring the exchanges with each one, in the presence of the group.

The following texts will be sent before the workshop so that te students can read them before the workshop.

To sweat on clean sheets :  Tarik Noui

Ctrl – X : Pauline Peyrade 

We xill work on several pièces.

the texts will be sent three weeks before the worshop , so that the students can read them or at least a part of them ; 


The love is exchanged against love it cannot have of another possible transaction with that… I do not earn there money and I do not make trade of my body… one does not give me anything.

(extracted from To sweat on clean cloths, T.Noui)

Catherine Javaloyès

Companie Le Talon Rouge 

the students will have the possibility to read a short biography of the two authors. Any problem of language will be discussed together. We will take half an  hour to look back over of the day of work.

see dates
Freitag, 16.10.2015 - 10:00 bis 13:00 und 14:00 bis 17:00 Uhr, Türingsaal
Samstag, 17.10.2015 - 09:30 -13:30 Uhr, Türingsaal
Freitag, 04.12.2015 - 10:00 - 13:00 Uhr und 14:00 - 17:00 Uhr, Türingsaal
Samstag, 05.12.2015 - 09:30 - 13:30 Uhr, Türingsaal