822132 The Architectural Discourse: Methods and Processes
winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 05.02.2016 | Place course on memo listThe objective of the course will be to learn to address current day condition in which architectural debates and discourse evolve and how to deal with it.
We are negotiating with the penetration of technology in every single moment of each day through “interface”.
In this seminar interface will be considered as an evidence of how ‘calculation’ extends beyond the sphere of production. Bernard Stiegler defines this penetration of calculation as one of characteristics of the hyper-industrial age, in which we live today. This concept is based on the idea of modernity that refers to a society where ‘calculation’ has come to rule and the domination of nature by technics takes place.
In this seminar the interface will become a common ground for analyzing on a relationship between man and technology as a backdrop of our everyday life experience and how architectural debates and news operate through diverse forms of interface. In particular, virtual publications: contents, words, images and information network.
If what most of us read everyday is more or less in a form of ‘newsfeed‘, why should not we start to analyze architectural news that is produced through the news machine first?
The seminar will give an importance place to reading and discussion, with one workshop that will allow us to explore altogether how the news machine works and new possibilities to play with it. The enrolled students will receive all reading materials in English and deliver an oral presentation on a topic related to the themes in the seminar program. The presentation will play a role as a starting point for collective reflection. During the period of the semester, each student will develop his or her own research and present a final work at the end of the seminar. The lecturer and enrolled students will discuss altogether about the literature and the final work in the first week.
The regular attendance and participation to the collective discussion are strictly required. The prospective students are supposed to have a good spoken and written command of the English language, for all seminar activities and all study materials will be in English. Please note that this is a provisional description that will be developed or adjusted after discussion with the enrolled students in the seminar.
Compulsory attendance, continuous assessment
will be introduced, literature inquiry
online registration is compulsory! There is no possibilty to be waitlisted