822232 Building in Historical Context

winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 05.02.2016 Place course on memo list
Building in Historical Context
SE 2
each semester

Impart knowledge about the background of the relation between architectural inventory (listed as a heritage building or not), new use and structural interventions. Get to know strategies in the handling of the architectural inventory (restoration, addition, conversion, reconstruction, conservation of parts, rebuilding, demolition of parts, new construction) and the institutions in charge of it by the means of presenting case studies and their evaluation. Acquire knowledge in building history research and evaluation in preservation as well as analysis as the basis of planning and building within existing architecture.

Building within existing architecture is an abiding theme in architecture and regarding required redensification also a  virulent theme for town planning in the future. By the means of case studies in Salzburg, which differ in age, function, typology and degree of protection, different approaches shall be analysed, there advantages and disadvantages shall be questioned critically and discused together. Institutions like the Antiquities and Monuments Office, the Committee experts for the conservation of the historic centre and the advisory board for constitution accompany and evaluate building activities in the protection zones of the UNESCO World Heritage City Salzburg. Their particular influence on the projects shall be included and analyzed critically. In a One-day-Excursion the case studies shall be visited and questions can be adressed to protagonists of those institutions and other persons related to the implementation.

Beside the participation in the course and the presentation, every student will summarise her/his research results in form of a poster. The posters complete an exibition which was the result of the course in winter semester 2013/2014 and was also part of the Salzburg programme of the Austrian Architecture Days 2014. The presentation of the students research results in form of the completed exhibition is forseen for 2015 at the institute for building history and heritage preservation.





Building history research (architectural history and use history) as well as analysis and evaluation of strategies of modern handling of the architectural inventory and of the influence of institutions.

Short oral presentation with page of theses (content guideline: main information and images for orientation) for all participants + poster following a standard layout with text, photos and plan material

The written version of the presentation is to be handed in two weeks before the presentation, the poster at the end of the Semester.


examination-immanent course „Seminar“:

This means the compulsory attendance in at least 80% of the course (with 30 teaching units with 45 min each that means a maximum of 4,5h absence), because the evaluation results from regular written or oral contributions. Evaluated will be: the participation in the seminar, the oral presentation as well as the poster.

The deregristration from the cours is only possible until 31.10.2014.





Allgemeine Grundlagen / general background:

·         Cramer, Johannes; Breitling, Stefan: Architektur im Bestand. Planung, Entwurf, Ausführung. Basel, 2007.


Introduction / Preliminary discussion: Thursday, 16. October 2014, 10 – 12 am and 1 – 3 pm


Seminar dates in block:

Group 1 (division into the groups takes place at the introduction date)

Do, 13. November 2014, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Do, 4. December 2014, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Do, 8. January 2015, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Do, 29. January 2015, 09-12 und 13-16 Uhr (Excursion to Salzburg)


Group 2 (division into the groups takes place at the introduction date)

Fr, 14. November 2014, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Fr, 5. December 2014, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Fr, 9. January 2015, 10-13 und 14-17 Uhr

Fr, 30. January 2015, 09-12 und 13-16 Uhr (Excursion to Salzburg)


Kontakt: jana.breuste@uibk.ac.at (will be activated not until mid-October)
