825031 Advanced Urban Development
winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 20.12.2016 | Place course on memo listLedoux and the origin of the modern city
The seminar will examine the idea of an autonomous architecture on the basis of Emil Kaufmann’s Book Von Ledoux bis Le Corbuiser-Ursprung und Entwickelung der Autonomen Architektur. The Seminar will redraw several of Ledoux’s houses and define its relationship to the ground. While Ledoux has developed the idea of a freestanding building that defines the modern city, the question the seminar wants to answer is how this building produces public spaces within the building itself.
The seminar will use formal analyses as its method to study the buildings. The analyses will be presented by drawing and model in scale 1.200
Continuous assessment (based on regular written and/or oral contribution by participants).
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"
Von Ledoux bis Le Corbusier-Ursprung und Entwicklung der autonomen Architektur
The seminar is preferred for students that develop their Bachelor project within the institute of urban design
Week 1: phase 1 introduction lecture
week 2: phase 1
week 3: phase 1
week 4: phase 1
week 5: phase 2
week 6: phase 2
week 7: phase 2
week 8: phase 2
week 9: phase 2
week 10: phase 3
week 11: phase 3
week 12: phase 3
week 13: phase 3
week 14: final presentation