847232 Advanced Interior Design

winter semester 2015/2016 | Last update: 15.11.2016 Place course on memo list
Advanced Interior Design
SE 2

Acquire enhanced knowledge in the subject area. 

Targeted examination of a special topic from the tray interior design with artistic and theoretical methods.

Teams of two students will focus on one case study.
Deep investigation and research into each case study, selection of its essential conceptual criteria, representation of findings through diagrams, plans, models and texts.

Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"

Immanent mode of examination and compulsory attendance.

Will be discussed in the first lesson and will be announced at the beginning of the seminar

Gruppe Veneri: Einführung: 16.10.2015 von 11:00-12:00 Uhr, studio2 Foyer
Gruppe Moroder: Einführung am 13.10.2015 um 14:00 Uhr , studio2 Foyer
Gruppe Veneri: Workshops: 21.10.15 von 09-17 Uhr, 16.12.15 von 09-13 Uhr, 20.01.16 von 09-13:30 Uhr, 03.02.16 upload, studio2