603822 Identity and Subject Formation in Societies Shaped by Migration
summer semester 2016 | Last update: 14.09.2023 | Place course on memo listStudents acquire differentiated factual knowledge in order to explore current and historical demands concerning the field of education and migration. Additionally they learn the meaning of central concepts in relation to diachronic and synchronic contexts. They acquire fact-related conceptual and critically reflective knowledge of conditions, forms and consequences of subject formation in societies formed by migration and can translate the knowledge accordingly.
The course focuses on conditions, forms and consequences of subjectivation und subjectification in a migration-based society. Therefore theoretical texts on „subjectifiation“ and „identity“ will be read and discussed. During the further process of the seminar different concepts of subjectification and identity in a migration-based society will be discussed (e.g. hybridity, postmigrant life schemes, practices of self-ethnicization). Experiences of racism and critical whiteness theories will be introduced as causing and limiting structures of subjetification. In order to comprehend these theories and concepts, they will discussed by using qualitative data from a running research project about migrant families in marginalized urban areas.
Plenary discussion of basic texts, group work phases, presentations
Active participation and written term assigment. Course with formative assessment, i.e., students are graded on the basis of written and/or oral tasks assigned regularly over the term. Main requirement of the course is a written final paper.
To be communicated
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Mon 2016-04-04
19.30 - 21.00 | KR Liebeneggstraße KR Liebeneggstraße | Barrier-free | - Vorbesprechung (Tekin) |
Fri 2016-05-27
12.00 - 17.00 | KR Liebeneggstraße KR Liebeneggstraße | Barrier-free | Vorbesprechung (Tekin) |
Sat 2016-05-28
10.00 - 17.00 | KR Liebeneggstraße KR Liebeneggstraße | Barrier-free | Vorbesprechung (Tekin) |
Fri 2016-06-24
12.00 - 17.00 | SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße | Barrier-free | Vorbesprechung (Tekin) |
Sat 2016-06-25
10.00 - 17.00 | SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße | Barrier-free | Vorbesprechung (Tekin) |