608560 Lecture: Poetics:
summer semester 2016 | Last update: 15.06.2016 | Place course on memo listAuthentic insights into literary writing
The lecture discusses the topic "Literature, Discretion and Lies". It deals with problems of documentary writing, with questions of confidence, discretion and untrue biographical stories in context of the holocaust. Central books will be the case of Wilkomirski, Conny Hannes Meyer's untrue autobiography of his childhood in Mauthausen and the case of the Katalan Enric Marco, who invented an imprisonment in the concentration camp of Flossenbürg.
Lecture, reading, assessment is based on a single examination at the end of the course.
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations"
Recommended books of Erich Hackl:
Auroras Anlass. Erzählung (1987); Abschied von Sidonie. Erzählung (1989); Als ob ein Engel. Erzählung nach dem Leben (2007); Familie Salzmann. Erzählung aus unserer Mitte (2010); Drei tränenlose Geschichten (2014).
course attendance and closing meeting on Tuesday afternoon, June 2nd
The course includes a public reading by the author on
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