618002 Methodology of Art History: Major works of art historiography

summer semester 2016 | Last update: 01.02.2016 Place course on memo list
Methodology of Art History: Major works of art historiography
SE 2
not applicable

Expanded knowledge and critical application of art-historical methods on examples referred to in the lecture.

Major art-historical writings of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Presentations and discussions, written work.

This course is assessed via continuous assessment and attendance is compulsory, oral/written presentations.

To be announced in the course.

LFU: online registration is required!

Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2016-03-15
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-04-05
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-04-12
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-04-19
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-04-26
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-05-03
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-05-10
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-05-17
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-05-24
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-06-14
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-06-21
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free
Tue 2016-06-28
15.15 - 16.45 41031 UR 41031 UR Barrier-free