645609 Cultural Dynamics and Pluralisation: Migration, Family, and Fatherhood in Transnational Space between Turkey, Austria and Germany: Textual and Ethnographic Issues

summer semester 2016 | Last update: 06.03.2023 Place course on memo list
Cultural Dynamics and Pluralisation: Migration, Family, and Fatherhood in Transnational Space between Turkey, Austria and Germany: Textual and Ethnographic Issues
SE 2

to be able to understand recent socio-political developments in German speaking countiries;  to be able to reflect upon these developments critically; to be able to form opinions about migration policies in relation to the everday cultures in these countries, to be able to connect the issues on fatherhood, migration, and state policies in a larger global scale.

This course is an attempt to understand different and changing patterns of parenting in the face of family policies and transnational migration between Turkey and Germany. We begin with an important question: “What does migration do to the families?” In the attempts to find possible answers to this question, we will examine the family structures in the process of migration, from the earlier days to date. Here our examples will be ethnographic in their nature, and will cover, for example, topics such as migration and care regimes, migration and/or father/mother absence, transnational fatherhood/motherhood, migration, family and social situations, experiences of stay-behind mothers, parenting practices among different migrant generations, fatherhood and masculinity and so on. We will also extend the discussion on “New fatherhood” and ask the question where to locate the migrants as fathers in the debate.

presentation by professor, verbal presentations, group work, discussions by the students

· A short verbal presentation of 10-15 minute at one of the sessions during the semester

· A moderation of the content of the weekly readings for about 5-10 minutes

· A written report of (2-3 page long) the presentation to be brought on the day of the presentation.

Nermin Abadan Unat. 1976.  “Turkish Migration to Europe 1960 – 1975: A socio-economic reappraisal (1960-1975) A Balance Sheet of Achievements and Failures.”

Mübeccel Kıray. 1976.  “Family of the Immigrant Worker.”  

Bernhard Nauck. 1994. “Changes in Turkish Migrant Families in Germany.”

Patrizia Gapp. 2007.  Konflikte zwischen den Generationen? Familiäre Beziehungen in Migrantenfamilien.”

Tanja Mühling.  2006.  Caring Fathers in Germany – where are the “new“ Fathers?”  Paper presented at the WELLCHI Network Conference 2. Well-being of children and labour markets in Europe. Different kinds of risks resulting from various structures and changes in the labour markets Centre for Globalisation and Governance, University of Hamburg March 31 – April 1, 2006

Mechtild M. Jansen, Margrit Brückner Margrit Göttert, Marianne Schmidbaur (Hrsg.).  Neue Väter hat das Land?!. Hessische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung.   

Thomas Gesterkamp. 2005. “Betriebliche und politische. Hindernisse engagierter Vaterschaft. Professional and political impediments to committed fatherhood.”

Mary Daly. 2008. “Family policy in a globalized world.”

Fachtag. “Was macht Migration mit Männlichkeit?  Neue Blicke und Chancen in der Arbeit mit Migranten.” Dokumentation.

Väter mit Migrationhintergrund. Ministerium für Arbeit. Integration und Soziales des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Leonie Herwarz-Emden and Manuela Westphal.  

“Vaterschaft und Erziehung.”

Cengiz Deniz. 2014. “Migrantische Väter als Zielgruppe der Sozialen Arbeit—Theorie und Praxis. ”

Daniele Barter. 2014. “Migrantische Väter aus der Perspektive von Mehrfachdiskriminierung und Machtverhältnissen.”

to be announced
Do 12.05.2016 10:00-12:00, Besprechungsraum Europäische Ethnologie
Group 0
Date Time Location
Wed 2016-05-11
10.00 - 16.00 Container 1 Container 1
Thu 2016-05-12
12.00 - 17.00 40801 SR 40801 SR Barrier-free