747006 Ecology of Fish
summer semester 2016 | Last update: 17.05.2016 | Place course on memo list747006
Ecology of Fish
EU 3
every 2nd year
Students aquired the most important methods applied in studies of the ecology of fishes both theoretically and practically and can apply them indepentendly to various problems and research agendas.
Active and passive catch methods, observational methods including hydroacoustics, marking methods, stock assessment methods and population dynamics, growth and food analysis, ecosystem role.
The lecture and the course will be held as block during SS2016 at the Research Institute of Limnology with max. 12. participants (www.uibk.ac.at/limno).
Accommodation is available directly at the institute.
30.5.-3.6.2016, Institut für Limnologie, Mondsee