847213 Spatial Design

summer semester 2016 | Last update: 28.07.2016 Place course on memo list
Spatial Design
UE 2
each semester

Schatzer: Analytic observation of buildings increases the capability of recognizing space-forming or space-generating and space-characterizing elements in architecture. The complexity of a building has to be explained through its typologic, spacial, structural and material aspects.

Schmutz: Pavilions and follies - small architectures
To understand the being, the concept of a building, spatial conglomerate
Key terms for this analysis:
atmosphere - dimension - thing - filter - context - scale - medium - program - sequence, script - structure - scene - zone

Schatzer: Taking "fieldwork" as a device, students have to analyze buildings out of their familiar neighborhood. Trying to explain emotional reactions caused by built architecture, to show up and to question consequences of certain design strategies, space studies will become more and more an important instrument in their own architectural design.

Schmutz: Methodical analysis of pavilions and follies using drawings, diagrams, texts and models; understanding their spatial concepts

Schatzer: For exercising the method of space studies in order to understand context, participants are requested to analyse existing buildings, created by contemporary or historic “masters” of architecture for certain functional or contextual situations. The single analysis will be collected into a “guide for architects and for people interested into architecture” which will show briefly characteristic space qualities of the objects of research.

Schmutz: Team work
The seminar is structured into sections as follow:
- writing of short textual definitions of the key terms with the help of the literature provided
- collecting information of the given pavilion
- analysis of the pavilion "through the eyes of the key terms"
- analysis by means of textual description, diagrams, models
- presentation model 1:50
- documentation of the analysis in format DINA4 as provided

Schatzer: The results of single studies will be presented by the students and discussed with the whole group. For the end of the semester, students are requested to produce a booklet with there results of the research.

Schmutz: Immanent mode of examination and compulsory attendance.

Schatzer: Literature will be discussed in the first lesson.

Schmutz: Appropriate literature will be provided at the first appointment.

Schatzer: Start:  We, 11.03.2015, 09:30-11:00 and 11:00 - 12:30, studio 2; weekly appointments with feedback as agreed upon on Wednesday 09.30 Uhr -11.00 and 11:00 -12:30. Due to its propaedeutic character, the course will take place in the first half of semester. Final presentation will be around the mid of May. A detailed schedule will be communicated at the first presentation of the course.

Schmutz: Start: Thu, 12.03.2015, 11:00-13:00, studio 2; weekly appointments. A detailed schedule will be communicated at the first presentation of the course.

MO 14.03.2016, 10:30 Uhr Einführung, studio2, Foyer (Gruppe Sidoroff)
DI 15.03.2016, 11:00 Uhr (Themenvergabe, Gruppeneinteilung), sudio2, Foyer
Di 05.04.2016, 16:00 Uhr, studio2 (Gruppe Sidoroff)