436115 VO integrated management through SAP ERP

winter semester 2016/2017 | Last update: 20.04.2016 Place course on memo list
VO integrated management through SAP ERP
VO 2
each semester
Students will get basic understanding of the design, the elements and the functioning of an ERP-system - basic understandting of SAP - understanding of the complexity of an ERP-System and of the chances and risks associated with it - working on the system, understanding of basic business processes
(a) definitions and concepts (ERP-Systems, E-Business, Data Warehouse, Business Intelligence) (b) overview of the business activities of SAP AG (c) explaining ERP-systems on the basis of SAP R/3 - presentation of IDES (training system) (d) working with an ERP-system (e) evaluation of ERP-systems for management activies (f) implementation of ERP-systems (project management) (g) costs, benefits and risks of ERP-systems (h) experiences of companies working with ERP-systems (i) further trends in developments
- lecture - discussion - case study - working with IDES - porject work
- project work: working on the experiences of companies with the implementation of ERP-systems - illustration of selected business processes in SAP R/3
Promberger/Schlager-Weidinger/Traxl: Verwaltungsmodernisierung durch Enterprise Resource Planning Systeme, Wien-Graz 2003 available at the centre!
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