436301 PS Strategy and Marketing

winter semester 2016/2017 | Last update: 23.01.2017 Place course on memo list
PS Strategy and Marketing
PS 1
positive evaluation of "Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften"
each semester

Development of a theoretical and practical understanding of strategic and marketing specific problems, such as strategy formation and the influence of the marketing approach on strategic analysis and thinking.

Topics of lecture are discussed in greater detail: Strategy as organizational framework, marketing approach, processes and tools to be applied, development of a core strategy, and strategic positioning.

Theory-Input, Case Studies, Group presentations, discussions

40 % paper (individual), 10 % class participation (individual), 40 % consultant  presentation (group), 10% executive presentation (group)

·         Matzler/Müller/Mooradian (2010): Strategisches Management - Konzepte und Methoden, Linde Verlag.

·         Homburg/  Krohmer (2009): Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements, 2. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler

.         PS-contents

Beginn: Mo. 13.10.14, 09.00 Uhr, SR 12

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2016-10-17
13.00 - 15.45 SR 17 (Sowi) SR 17 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Mon 2016-11-14
13.00 - 15.45 SR 6 (Sowi) SR 6 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Mon 2016-12-05
13.00 - 15.45 SR 19 (Sowi) SR 19 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Mon 2017-01-30
13.00 - 15.45 SR 12 (Sowi) SR 12 (Sowi) Barrier-free