621024 Scientific aspects of sport facilities and sport equipment
winter semester 2016/2017 | Last update: 04.08.2017 | Place course on memo listTo acquire knowledge of general and sport-specific basics and safety in the planning, building and operation of sport facilities; to learn about the function and technology of important sport products; to gain exposure to new developments in the sporting goods market.
1. Winter sports facilities including cable cars, artificial snow making technologies, ski slope preparation technologies
2. Summer sports facilities including soccer and athletic stadiums, tennis courts, climbing walls, beach volleyball areas
3. Sports halls and aspects of different floors
4. Selected sport tools
5. Presentations of different topics from the participating students
Lecture, elaboration and presentation of assignments, additional evaluation with a written exam at the end of the course
Course examination according to § 7, statute section on "study-law regulations" and presentations.
Will be discussed in the first lesson.
According to curricular.
The course will be held in several blocked units