325426 Criminal Law (general part II)

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 11.04.2022 Place course on memo list
Criminal Law (general part II)
VO 2
Promote awareness of the cultural and moral foundations of the criminal law; provide knowledge of the institutions of the general part of the real principle which appear in the legal practice.
Artt. 1-240 of the general part of the Criminal Code. From the special part: personal property offenses, offenses against public administration and the judiciary.
Lectures, case studies, as well as discussions.
Written exam. Oral examination on various issues, including the special section.
Codice penale italiano Ronco/Artizzone (pubblisher), Commento al Codice penale Riz, Lineamento di Diritto penale. Parte generale, Cedam 2004 Antolisei, Diritto Penale Parte speciale, vol I e II, Giuffrè 2003, 2004

Please enroll in LFU-online

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2017-03-20
11.15 - 13.30 UR 3072 UR 3072
Mon 2017-03-20
18.00 - 19.30 UR 3072 UR 3072
Tue 2017-03-21
09.00 - 10.30 UR 3072 UR 3072
Thu 2017-03-30
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Achtung entfällt
Thu 2017-03-30
18.00 - 19.30 UR 3108 UR 3108 Achtung entfällt
Mon 2017-04-03
13.00 - 16.00 SR 3114 SR 3114 Barrier-free
Mon 2017-04-24
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Ersatztermin
Mon 2017-04-24
16.30 - 18.45 UR 3072 UR 3072 Ersatztermin
Tue 2017-04-25
10.30 - 12.45 UR 3108 UR 3108 Ersatztermin
Tue 2017-04-25
14.00 - 15.30 UR 3108 UR 3108
Thu 2017-04-27
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Achtung entfällt
Thu 2017-04-27
16.30 - 18.45 UR 3108 UR 3108 Achtung entfällt
Fri 2017-04-28
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Achtung entfällt
Wed 2017-06-07
11.15 - 13.30 UR 3108 UR 3108
Wed 2017-06-07
14.15 - 15.00 UR 3108 UR 3108
Thu 2017-06-08
08.30 - 10.00 UR 3072 UR 3072
Thu 2017-06-29
15.00 - 17.15 UR 3072 UR 3072