325428 Criminal Proceeding Law II

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 11.04.2022 Place course on memo list
Criminal Proceeding Law II
VO 4
Obtain an institutional knowledge of criminal procedure increasing critical capacities of the students
Actions, evidence and precautions as well as the criminal procedure.
Ex- cathedra teaching.
Oral examination.
G. Conso-V. Grevi, Compendio di procedura penale, Cedam, Padova (last edition)

Please enroll in LFU-online

Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2017-03-06
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-03-06
16.00 - 18.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Tue 2017-03-07
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-03-27
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-03-27
16.00 - 18.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Tue 2017-03-28
09.00 - 11.15 SR 3114 SR 3114 Barrier-free Kostoris
Mon 2017-05-08
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-05-08
16.00 - 18.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Tue 2017-05-09
09.00 - 11.15 Bibliothek für Ital. Recht Bibliothek für Ital. Recht Kostoris
Mon 2017-05-15
12.00 - 14.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Helfer
Mon 2017-05-22
15.30 - 17.45 UR 3072 UR 3072 Helfer
Mon 2017-05-29
11.00 - 13.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Helfer
Thu 2017-06-01
14.45 - 17.00 SR 3114 SR 3114 Barrier-free Gastvortrag
Mon 2017-06-12
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-06-12
17.00 - 19.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Kostoris
Tue 2017-06-13
09.00 - 11.15 SR 3114 SR 3114 Barrier-free Kostoris
Mon 2017-06-19
11.00 - 13.15 UR 3108 UR 3108 Helfer
Mon 2017-06-26
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Mon 2017-06-26
17.00 - 19.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris
Tue 2017-06-27
09.00 - 11.15 UR 3072 UR 3072 Kostoris