437217 Management of Information Systems

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 27.04.2017 Place course on memo list
Management of Information Systems
SE 2
Positive assessment of module SBWL GL Information Systems.
each semester

Learning goal: Students know the fundamentals of business process management and they understand how business processes can be supported by information and communication technology (ICT). They have advanced experience in modeling business processes and also in integrating business process models across organizational boundaries. They are able to analyze and improve business processes. Further, they have experience in business process analytics and particularly in business process simulation.

The students understand the strategic dimension of information management and know common practices in the field. The students know important IT processes and especially reference frameworks like ITIL or COBIT. Advantages, disadvantages as well as common practices of outsourcing are known. The importance of standard software and particularly of enterprise resource planning systems and their customization are known.

The students understand the specific requirements of knowledge workers in regard to ICT support. Further, the importance of managing IT project portfolios and common practices in the field are known.

1.    Goals and tasks of information managements

2.    Information systems and IT architectures

3.    Economics of IS

4.    Management of infrastructures

5.    IS organization and reference frameworks (e.g. ITIL&COBIT)

6.    Outsourcing, Offshoring, Application Service Providing

7.    Business process management

8.    Business process modeling

9.    Integration of business process models

10.  Business process analytics

Lecture, Case studies, group exercises, home works, presentations, workshops and discussions

Final exam (80%) und case studies (20%)

Announced in the syllabus

participation requirements see curricula


wöchentl. Mi. 10:00 - 14:30 Uhr, F.I.T Labor