603202 Anthropology and Education: Spaces of Education

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 15.03.2023 Place course on memo list
Anthropology and Education: Spaces of Education
KU 2

Learning out for knowledge in theory and practise in

anthropology and phenomenology of space in eduactaion

 Martha Muchow´s (1892-1933) career was characterized by the close interlinking of research, teaching and practice. She pursued new research approaches that first became accessible to researchers in the 1970s, and which today are still regarded as a desideratum in scientific research. Our understanding of childhood and children has also changed during this time, with research increasingly focusing on the linguistic, sensory and symbolic methods of expression and articulation used by children.

The dawn of modernity at the beginning of the twentieth century affected all areas of society, such as the media and urban development, and had a huge impact on the experiences of children and young people. New insights into time and space during this period influenced the way research was conducted and began a paradigm shift in the perceptions of space, image and media which is still ongoing. In this seminar, the focus will be on how the way in which the development of modern society affects the media´s influence on our perception of spaces is discussed in childhood, media and spatial research and pedagogy.


Work will take the form of presentations, discussions and analyses using texts, films and research material. 


Work groups, performative acts and lecture


Kristin Westphal/ Benjamin Jörissen (Hg.): Mediale Erfahrungen. Vom Straßenkind zum Medienkind. Raum- und Medienforschung im 21. Jahrhundert. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim, Basel, 2013.

Martha Muchow/Hans Heinrich Muchow: Der Lebensraum des Großstadtkindes. Herausgegeben von Imbke Behnken und Michael-Sebastian Honig. Neuausgabe Beltz Juventa Weinheim 2012. Westphal, K./Stadtler-Altmann, U./Schittler, S./Lohfeld, W. (Hrsg.): Räume Kultureller Bildung. Nationale und transnationale Perspektiven. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim, Basel, 2014.

Brinkmann, M./Westphal, K. (Hrsg.): Grenzerfahrungen. Phänomenologie und Anthropologie pädagogischer Räume. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim, Basel, 2015.

Wolf-Andreas Liebert/Kristin Westphal (Hg.): Performances der Selbstermächtigung. Athena Verlag: Oberhausen, 2015.

Räume der Unterbrechung. Theater. Performance. Pädagogik. Athena Verlag Oberhausen Reihe: Perspektiven der Pädagogik Johannes Bilstein, 2012.

Westphak, K.: Dem Lernen auf der Spur. Die pädagogische Perspektive. (zusammen mit I. Breinbauer/K.Mitgutsch/E. Sattler) Klett Cotta Stuttgart 2008

Westphal, K.: Orte des Lernens. Beiträge zu einer Pädagogik des Raumes" (in Zusammenarbeit mit Nicole Hoffmann, Institut für Pädagogik); Weinheim Juventa Verlag 2007

Westphal, K.: Medien/Räume_Lebenswelten von Kindern. In: Braches-Chyrek, R./ Röhner, C. (Hg.): Kindheit und Raum. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich 2016. S. 299-314.


see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Fri 2017-03-24
10.00 - 18.00 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Sat 2017-03-25
10.00 - 18.00 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Fri 2017-05-19
10.00 - 18.00 50101/1 SR 50101/1 SR Barrier-free
Sat 2017-05-20
10.00 - 18.00 50101/1 SR 50101/1 SR Barrier-free