603703 Exkursion
summer semester 2017 | Last update: 02.05.2017 | Place course on memo list603703
EX 2
The students understand procedures and methods of intervention in psychoanalytical-educational counseling, care and treatment.
Psychoanalytical-pedagogical paradigms, applications of psychoanalysis in treatment, counseling and care of children and young people, parents and other people in life crises.
Theory-based discussion and reflection on psychoanalytic-educational procedures and intervention methods.
Final paper.
Hopf, Hans u. Heinemann, Evelyn: Psychoanalytische Pädagogik. Kohlhammer Verlag
Date for the visit: 19./20.5.2017
Please inquire at: N.N. (Studienassistentin)
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