603711 Principals of Educational Science: Advanced II:

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 15.03.2023 Place course on memo list
Principals of Educational Science: Advanced II:
SE 2
every 2 weeks

After attending this course, students know main debates on migration and masculinity as well as theoretical approaches and current empirical research on masculinity constructs in the context of migration. The course enables students to evaluate theoretical and empirical research in this field, identify gaps in current research and formulate possible new research projects.

Already before the events in Cologne at New Year’s eve 2015, male migrants and refugees were at the center of public debates. In this seminar, these public discourses on migration, asylum and masculinity are critically analyzed and alternative research approaches to the study of constructs of masculinity in the context of migration are developed. Intersectional approaches of critical masculinity studies are presented, which analyze the role of racism, class and heteronormativity on the construction masculinity and difference. Based on this, consequences for educational science are drawn.

Lectures, in-class discussions on compulsory literature, group work

Term paper

At the beginning of the term a reader with compulsory reading will be provided on the eLearning platform of the course.

Dietze, Gabriele (2016) Das ‚Ereignis Köln‘. In: Femina Politica, Nr. 1/2016, S. 93-102.

Nagel, Joane (2003) Race, Ethnicity and Sexuality: Intimate Intersections, Forbidden Frontiers. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Scheibelhofer, Paul (2017) „Der fremd-gemachte Mann. Konstruktionen von Männlichkeit in der Migrationsgesellschaft“, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft.

Spindler, Susanne (2006) Corpus Delicti. Männlichkeit, Rassismus und Kriminalisierung im Alltag von jugendlichen Migranten. Münster: Unrast Verlag.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2017-03-07
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-03-21
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-04-04
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-05-02
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-05-16
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-05-30
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-06-13
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße
Tue 2017-06-27
13.45 - 16.45 SR Maximilianstraße SR Maximilianstraße