609403 UE Listening/Speaking I D
summer semester 2017 | Last update: 23.01.2017 | Place course on memo listTo ensure that students have CEFR B2+ level in listening and speaking skills.
Listening skills objectives: to promote listening skills with particular stress on understanding gist and detail.
Speaking skills objecgives: to promote fluency; to identify problem areas in pronunciation, intonation, accent, grammar, vocabulary.
Listening skills: pronunciation; a variety of texts pertaining to English and American Studies including literature, linguistics, culture, media studies etc.
Speaking skills: descriptive treatment of the above topics.
Communicative and interactive approach.
Aural and oral final exam.
New Oxford Dictionary of English.
BA "old" (2009): SL 2: Listening/Speaking I
Teacher Training Programme "old" (2001): SL 2: UE2: Skills I (Listening/Speaking)
- Faculty of Humanities 2 (Language and Literature)
- Bachelorstudium Anglistik und Amerikanistik laut Curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-AP, 6 Semester)
- Bachelor's Programme Comparative Literature according to the curriculum 2012 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Bachelor's Programme English and American Studies according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Teacher training programme English
- School of Education
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Fri 2017-03-10
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-03-17
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-03-24
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-03-31
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-04-07
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-04-28
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-05-05
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-05-12
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-05-19
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-06-02
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-06-09
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-06-16
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-06-23
10.15 - 11.45 | 4U102a 4U102a | Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired | |
Fri 2017-06-30
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free |