622002 Philosophie of Science: "Anything goes": Ordinary Men? Reflexions about the NS-perpetrators' image
summer semester 2017 | Last update: 20.12.2016 | Place course on memo listThe aim of the course is the acquisition of a global understanding of scholarly and theoretical issues by readings and discussions of selected classical and/or innovative texts of historiography in class, acquaitance with trends in research and paradigm criticism.
As an essential prerequisite for the Nazi extermination of Jews, it is now considered as a fact, that "ordinary men" were ready to massacre people in a huge scale. Which explanations did the holocaust research find for this phenomenon? Are these explanations transferable to other genocides or not? How "reliable" are our humanistic-moral convictions in this context? These questions will be investigated on the basis of Christopher Browning's "classical" work of Holocaust literature.
Reading, analysis, interpretation and discussion of the cited work completed by additional texts.
Course with continious performance assessment: attendance at all sessions, reading and presentation of texts, regular and active participation in discussions, short written assignments.
Christopher Browning, Ganz normale Männer. Das Reserve-Polizeibataillon 101 und die „Endlösung“ in Polen, Reinbek 1993; als Ergänzung dazu Auszüge aus: Daniel J. Goldhagen, Hitlers willige Vollstrecker. Ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche und der Holocaust, Berlin 1996; Harald Welzer, Täter. Wie aus ganz normalen Menschen Massenmörder werden, Frankfurt am Main 2006; Bernd Greiner, Krieg ohne Fronten. Die USA in Vietnam, Hamburg 2007; Raphael Gross, Anständig geblieben. Nationalsozialistische Moral, Frankfurt am Main 2010; Sönke Neitzel/Harald Welzer, Soldaten. Protokolle vom Kämpfen, Töten und Sterben, Frankfurt am Main 2011; Götz Aly, Warum die Deutschen? Warum die Juden? Gleichheit, Neid und Rassenhass - 1800 bis 1933, Frankfurt am Main 2011; Jörg Baberowski, Räume der Gewalt, Frankfurt am Main 2015.
For SKZ 603 old: no registration requirements; for 603 new: positively graduated PM 1; for SKZ 313 none.
Online-enrollment required, starting on Feb. 1, 2017!
A reduced workload applies for students of the Curriculum BA History (2009) .
- Faculty of Humanities 1 (Philosophy and History)
- Bachelor's Programme History according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Bachelor's Programme Classica et Orientalia according to the curriculum 2015 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Bachelor's Programme History according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
- Teacher training programme History, Social Studies and Civic Studies according to the curriculum 2001
- Bachelor's Programme Classica et Orientalia according to the curriculum 2009 (180 ECTS-Credits, 6 semesters)
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Wed 2017-03-08
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-03-15
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-03-22
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-03-29
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-04-05
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-04-26
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-05-03
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-05-10
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-05-17
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-05-24
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-05-31
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-06-07
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-06-14
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-06-21
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free | |
Wed 2017-06-28
10.15 - 11.45 | 52U105 52U105 | Barrier-free |