645212 Historical Excursion

summer semester 2017 | Last update: 23.03.2017 Place course on memo list
Historical Excursion
EX 2
each semester

By attending this course students acquire a first orientation knowledge about historic Carinthia and Carniola between 1915 and 1918. Which traces of the First World War can be found in war theatres and the hinterland of the Carnian and Julian Alps ? How was and how is the memory of this war instrumentalized in public and private memory?

The participants study the events of the war and their later interpretation in the area of Carinthia, Carniola and Friuli.

Guided tours in the field, presentations of the course instructor as well as of the students. The latter will be prepared in the accompanying course "EX-Agenda" 645213

Participation in discussions, presentation of a topic during the field trip and preparation of a handout, if necessary written follow-up.

Will be announced

The excursion takes place from September 2017. The attendance of the corresponding course 645213 is obligatory. – The estimated price of the trip will be announced at the end of January 2017.

to be announced