710105 Practical course Physical Chemistry I
summer semester 2017 | Last update: 25.04.2017 | Place course on memo listDr. Djuro Bikaljevic, MSc Dr. Djuro Bikaljevic, MSc
Stefan Dürrbeck, MSc Stefan Dürrbeck, MSc
Thomas Martin Götsch, BSc MSc Thomas Martin Götsch, BSc MSc
assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernhard Klötzer assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Bernhard Klötzer, +43 512 507 58004
Norbert Hermann Köpfle, BSc MSc Norbert Hermann Köpfle, BSc MSc
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Julia Kunze-Liebhäuser Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Julia Kunze-Liebhäuser, +43 512 507 58013
assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Lörting assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Lörting, +43 512 507 58019
ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Norbert Memmel ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Norbert Memmel, +43 512 507 58005
ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Alexander Menzel ao. Univ.-Prof. i. R. Dr. Alexander Menzel
Dr. Niusha Shakibi Nia Dr. Niusha Shakibi Nia
Students master basic experimental methods of physical chemistry and the data analysis. They acquire multidisciplinary key skills in teamwork, oral ,and written communication.
Fundamentals of physicochemical measurement technology: mass, temperature and pressure measurement, vacuum generation, evaluation of experimental data and uncertainty, curve fitting; e.g. Measuring reaction enthalpy, electrolytic conductivity and molecular weights; Phase equilibria in solid-liquid and liquid-gas systems.
Script and other information in eCampus/OLAT.
Succesful passing of the Modules 1, 2, 6, 15 (Physics, Mathematics A, B; Physical Chemistry B).
Sign up till 21. Feb. 2017, even without meeting the prerequisites. Deadline for meeting the prerequisites is Fri, 21.04.2017, only then participation is allowed.
In the second half of March, there will be a written examination about the script-information. Other oral examinations take place in each case directly before conducting the individual experiments.
Each participant is in the lab for 11 days, 12:00-18:00 each.
An informational meeting (organisation, Excel, ...) is planned for Di, 2.5.2017. The lab-course will be split in two: Course "A" from ca. 12.5.17, course "B" 1.6.-27.6.17. A time schedule will be available by 2.5.2016.