402010 PS Applied Methods of Social Sciences
winter semester 2017/2018 | Last update: 13.03.2018 | Place course on memo list§ 5 (1) 3. b 2 PS Applied Methods of Social Science
Students acquire the ability to deal with current empirical studies and to apply the first steps of a research process (formulation of a research issue, data collection, method reflection) autonomously in terms of quality and/or quantity or method.
Dieses Proseminar richtet sich vor allem an die Studierenden des BA POLITIKIWSSENSCHAFT.
The course content includes the following points:
*Introduction to empirical research
* Theoretical and methodological background for research questions
* Causality, Research Questions, Hypotheses, Data
*Critical reading
*Formulation of own research design
Research Design
Grading based on participation, homeworks, and research design.
J./Gschwend, T./Schindler, D. (2006): Methoden der Politikwissenschaft: Neuere qualitative und quantitative Analyseverfahren. Nomos. Behnke J., Baur N., Behnke N (2006): Empirische Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Ferdinand Schöningh. Diekmann, A. (2007): Empirische Sozialforschung. Grundlagen, Methoden, Anwendungen. Rowohlt. Kromrey, H. (2009): Empirische Sozialforschung: Modelle und Methoden der standardisierten Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung. Lucius & Lucius
Group 0
Date | Time | Location | ||
Fri 2017-10-20
10.00 - 17.45 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2017-10-21
10.00 - 15.45 | UR 2 (Sowi) UR 2 (Sowi) | Barrier-free | |
Fri 2017-11-24
10.00 - 17.45 | ZID Sowi AR 2 ZID Sowi AR 2 | ||
Sat 2017-11-25
10.00 - 15.45 | UR 2 (Sowi) UR 2 (Sowi) | Barrier-free |