436502 PS International Management: Corporate sustainability, strategy and organization

Wintersemester 2017/2018 | Stand: 15.01.2018 LV auf Merkliste setzen
PS International Management: Corporate sustainability, strategy and organization
PS 2
abgeschlossener erster Studienabschnitt, sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

Corporate strategy refers to the overall scope and direction of the company, which markets to be in, how its businesses are defined to work together, including the firm’s vertical and horizontal integration – and the way it pursues corporate sustainability. Consequently, this course is built on the fundamental premise that implementing corporate sustainability is primarily a strategic and organizational problem. As such, the module will provide the students with a solid understanding in strategy and organization from a sustainability perspective and pursues the “sustainability problem” by trying to answer three questions. WHY should companies move beyond serving merely economic purposes? WHAT makes a sustainable company, e.g. how would key business functions look like and which key instruments exist? And finally, HOW can managers (you?) build a sustainable business model and a sustainable firm and unfold it over time, i.e. which change and learning process efforts are important in this endeavor?   

We accomplish the course objectives through the following teaching methods. The first part (“Vorlesung”) is characterized by engaging students in active learning, based on theoretical foundations, highly interactive lectures, case studies coupled with plenary discussions, and by providing evidences thanks to managers’ leadership examples. If possible, guest instructors will be invited. The second part (“Seminar) is dedicated to in-depth case studies and research papers, both to be developed by students, with the help of feedback (by peers and instructor). It is absolutely necessary that students prepare all sessions according to the syllabus.

Das Modul kombiniert verschiedene aktive Lernmethoden, um die Kursziele optimal erreichen zu können. Diese beinhalten die neben der Vermittlung fundierten theoretischen Wissens eine kritische und interaktive Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten mittels Minifallstudien, Gruppenarbeiten, der Diskussion der von den Studierenden vorbereiteten Fallstudien und Papers, der Einbeziehung realer Beispiele aus der Unternehmenswelt, sowie der kontinuierlichen Bereitstellung von Feedback durch die LV-Leitung und die Gruppe selbst. Fuer detaillierte Angaben zu Bewertung, Organisation und Richtlinien des Moduls, siehe die englische Beschreibung.

We accomplish the course objectives through engaging students in active learning, based on theoretical foundations, highly interactive lectures, mini-case studies coupled with plenary discussions, the discussion of case studies prepared by the students, by providing evidences thanks to managers’ leadership examples, and by providing feedback (by peers and instructor) to the papers written by the students. If possible, guest instructors will be invited for sharing their experience on specifically relevant topics.

Each of the academic sessions will cover core theoretical components related to corporate strategy and sustainability. You will discover state-of-the-art literature at the interface of corporate strategy and corporate sustainability. You are expected to study a sufficient number of relevant academic articles/literature (individually) and prepare case studies/other assignments (group work) – both tasks prior to each session. During the classes, you are expected to participate in active discussions. We will discuss strengths and limitations of the readings and apply the topic to actual business practices. Roughly, the first half of each session will be dedicated to academic lecturing (combined with active discussions, small group works, etc.), while the second half will offer students the space to present and discuss their work.

As the content of each seminar builds on the proceeding ones, students are advised to attend all sessions regularly and to participate in discussions to achieve the desired levels of understanding. Pre-reading and preparation of materials before seminars is mandatory and expected. The lecturer will be more a facilitator than a teacher.

Participation in class: 20%

Group works (cases and paper assignments): 40%

Exam: 40%

To pass the module, students have to pass the threshold in each of the criteria (reach 50% each). A detailed information on the points to be gained will be given in the syllabus, which is available end of September.

abgeschlossener erster Studienabschnitt, sehr gute Englischkenntnisse

The module consists of 15 units of 180 minutes each (breaks included), starting at October 4th, finishing November 7th. Please note: (1) For administrative reasons only, in the online system for each date two lectures (VU and SE) and some additional time for each class were announced. The starting time of the VU corresponds to the starting time of each class. You can expect each class to finish at: starting time of VU plus 180 minutes. (2) The two appointments in January have been blocked as extra appointments and will be used only if needed (e.g. in case of illness of the instructor during regular appointments). Please mark the dates in your calendar as well. (3)


siehe Termine
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Di 24.10.2017
09.00 - 11.45 SR 19 (Sowi) SR 19 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 24.10.2017
12.00 - 16.15 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 25.10.2017
09.00 - 11.45 SR 3 (Sowi) SR 3 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Mi 25.10.2017
12.00 - 16.00 SR 16 (Sowi) SR 16 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 31.10.2017
09.00 - 11.45 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei
Di 31.10.2017
12.00 - 16.15 SR 8 (Sowi) SR 8 (Sowi) Barrierefrei