603003 Introduction to Educational Science

winter semester 2017/2018 | Last update: 17.01.2018 Place course on memo list
Introduction to Educational Science
VO 2
every 2 weeks
each semester

Students acquire basic competences to identify the subject as well as important and crucial research fields like Migrationspedagogy, Disability-Studies, Gender, psychoanalytical educational sciences, historische Anthropologie u.a. They are able to differentiate between concepts and models of educational science.

basic concepts and processes of educational science and reflection of historical concepts

Lecture with discussion!

written exam at the end of the course.

Dörpinghaus, A./ Uphoff, I. (22012): Grundbegriffe der Pädagogik. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.

Brumlik, M. / St. Ellinger / O. Hechler / K. Prange (2013): Theorie der praktischen Pädagogik. Grundlagen erzieherischen Sehens, Denkens und Handelns. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer

Annedore Prengel (³2006): Pädagogik der Vielfalt. Verschiedenheit und Gleichberechtigung in interkultureller, feministischer und integrativer Pädagogik. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 

mailto: Irene.Berkel@uibk.ac.at


For detailed information about the STEOP visit http://www.uibk.ac.at/studium/organisation/studienbeginn/steop/.

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2017-10-10
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2017-10-31
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2017-11-07
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2017-11-21
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2017-12-05
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2018-01-16
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2018-01-23
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2018-01-30
17.15 - 18.45 Hörsaal 4 Hörsaal 4 Barrier-free Induction loops for hearing impaired
Tue 2018-03-13
13.45 - 15.15 Hörsaal 2 Hörsaal 2 Barrier-free 2. Prüfungstermin