408910 SE Methodology-Workshop

summer semester 2018 | Last update: 11.06.2019 Place course on memo list
SE Methodology-Workshop
SE 2
every 2 weeks

Students are familiar with different approaches in the social sciences. They are able to apply them to their own research projects and know how to use specific qualitative and quantitative methods. They know about the advantages and limits of these research methods and are able to understand how to interpret and criticize them. Moreover, they are able to plan, conduct, and evaluate their research projects according to scientific standards.

The course aims at discussing students empirical research projects in order to make them fit for their dissertation. The special topic of the course is interpretive methods and methodologies, covering a variety of both empirical methods and analytical research styles. Students are invited to present their projects and discuss with us their research designs.


Presentation and course reflection

Strübing, Jörg 2013: Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine komprimierte Einführung für Studierende, München: Oldenbourg

Ders. 2014: Grounded Theory. Zur sozialtheoretischen und epistemologischen Fundierung eines pragmatistischen Forschungsstils, Wiesbaden: Springer VS

see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Tue 2018-03-13
15.00 - 18.30 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-04-10
15.00 - 18.30 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-04-24
15.00 - 18.30 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-05-15
16.00 - 19.15 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-05-15
16.00 - 19.15 SR III (Theologie) SR III (Theologie) Barrier-free
Tue 2018-05-29
10.00 - 13.00 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-05-29
15.00 - 18.45 SR 11 (Sowi) SR 11 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2018-06-05
15.00 - 18.30 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free
Tue 2018-06-05
15.00 - 18.45 SR 3 (Sowi) SR 3 (Sowi) Barrier-free
Tue 2018-06-19
15.00 - 18.30 Besprechungsraum Soziologie Besprechungsraum Soziologie Barrier-free