603713 Grundlagen der Erziehungswissenschaft: Vertiefung II: Gast, Feind, Nachbar: Xenophobie und Xenophilie im heutigen Europa

Sommersemester 2018 | Stand: 14.09.2023 LV auf Merkliste setzen
Grundlagen der Erziehungswissenschaft: Vertiefung II: Gast, Feind, Nachbar: Xenophobie und Xenophilie im heutigen Europa
SE 2

The contemporary world refugee crisis––estimated at 68 million people––has increased anxieties about the presence of the foreign in many parts of the world. This crisis is reconfiguring the world by reorganizing what can count as friend, foe and various ambiguous categories in between: guests that do not leave (e.g. migrants), neighbors that can’t be trusted (e.g. Islamic fundamentalists), and enemies thatreside abroad or within (e.g. terrorists).

Such identification through fear motivates anti-immigrant andreligiously motivated national exclusionary movements, discrimination, political party competition, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, internal purging, and even massacres. This course examines thesocio-psychology of both xenophilia (welcoming the foreign) and xenophobia (fear of the foreign),focusing on the modification of projections and the changing nature of its object in Germany. It will also include forays into contemporary reactions to the foreign as well considers the larger picture of thetransformations gripping Europe at this time.

The contemporary world refugee crisis––estimated at 65 million people––has increased anxieties about the presence of the foreign in many parts of the world. This crisis is reconfiguring the world by reorganizing what can count as friend, foe and various ambiguous categories in between: guests that do not leave (e.g. migrants), neighbors that cant be trusted (strangers) and enemies that reside within (terrorists). Such identification through fear motivates anti-immigrant and religiously motivated national exclusionary movements, discrimination, political party competition, racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, internal purging, and even massacres. This course examines the socio-psychology of both xenophilia (welcoming the foreign) and xenophobia (fear of the foreign), focusing on the modification of projections and the changing nature of its object in Germany. It will also include forays into contemporary French reactions to the foreign as well considers the larger picture of the transformations gripping Europe at this time. 

The seminar will be discussion driven. Hence it is important that you come to class prepared. This includes reading texts/books assigned as well as having screened other class materials such as feature movies, youtube videos, or music pieces).

Seminar participation 40%; final essay 60% (Seminar Abschlusspapier). The mid term and final exam will bein form of a question posed to the class that each participants will have to answer in a paper within a fewdays.




Lehrveranstaltung mit immanentem Prüfungscharakter, bei der die Beurteilung aufgrund von regelmäßigen schriftlichen und mündlichen Beiträgen der TeilnehmerInnen erfolgt.


Books for Purchase:


Max Frisch. 1961. Andorra. London, U.K.:

Bloomsbury Methuen Drama; (Modern Plays,

First edition, October 18, 2001, f

or English version,

ISBN-10: 0413305104; ISBN-13:

978-0413305107. [112 pages]. This book can be read in English or German.


Michel Houellebecq. 2015. Submission: A Novel

. N.Y. Farrar, Straus and Giroux. ISBN-10:

1250097347; ISBN-13: 978-1250097347. [256 pages].

This book can be read in English or


(Unterwerfung, DuMont Buchverlag).

Moving Images



Angst essen Seele auf

[“Ali: Fear Eats the Soul”]. (1974). Director: Rainer Werner Fassbinder


Die Fremde

[“When we leave”]. (2010). Director: Feo Aladag



(2004) Director: Lars von Tier.

(All of these movies are available on youtube

in one way of another, but in varying degrees of quality,

completeness, and sometimes without any English subtitles)


 mailto: sivrap1@gmail.com




siehe Termine
Gruppe 0
Datum Uhrzeit Ort
Mo 20.08.2018
10.00 - 15.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrierefrei
Di 21.08.2018
10.00 - 15.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrierefrei
Do 23.08.2018
10.00 - 15.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrierefrei
Fr 24.08.2018
10.00 - 15.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrierefrei