603822 Imperfect Humans. Theory and Criticism of Normality

summer semester 2018 | Last update: 14.09.2023 Place course on memo list
Imperfect Humans. Theory and Criticism of Normality
SE 2

Students have acquired conceptual and critical reflective knowledge and are able to contextualize the conditions and consequences of heterogeneous socialization and indivudation conditions. Power and domination in educational relationships are evaluated as well as concepts of domination free education.

Thousands of children, primarily from the lower classes, grew up in the children's homes (Rettungshäuser and Besserungsanstalten)  established in the 19th century and around 1900. Even before that, infirmaries, orphanages and workhouses housed children and young people who were orphaned, ejected or torn from their homes, writes Urs Hafner.

The seminar traces the long (pre-) history of the children's home and, referring to regional research work at the Institute of Education (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft), it also traces the power and violence-related nature of a substitute upbringing in a "HOME", including its conditions of mass and communal upbringing, and education based on punishment and obedience, with the aim of working out the systematic basis of the process and sharpening our focus on the present. 

input by the lecturer; reading; group work; case studies; written and/or oral contribution by participants;

Continuous assessment (based on written and/or oral contribution by participants).

*Urs Hafner: Heimkinder. Eine Geschichte des Aufwachsens in der Anstalt, Baden 2011.

*Michaela Ralser/Reinhard Sieder (Hg.) Die Kinder des Staates, Nr. 1 + 2 der Österreichischen Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, Wien - Innsbruck - Bozen,  2014.

*Michaela Ralser, Anneliese Bechter und Flavia Guerrini: Regime der Fürsorge. Eine Vorstudie zur Geschichte der Tiroler und Vorarlberger Erziehungsheime und Fürsorgeerziehungssysteme der Zweiten Republik, Innsbruck 2014

* Please consult the Website of the Researchgruop "Regime der Fürsorge":



see dates
Group 0
Date Time Location
Mon 2018-03-05
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-04-16
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-04-30
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-05-14
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-05-28
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-06-11
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser
Mon 2018-06-25
15.00 - 18.00 SR Liebeneggstraße SR Liebeneggstraße Barrier-free Ralser